"Leave me a comment with the details of your personal Year of Foundations goal(s):
Time period of focus Number of garments to be made
Any inspiration or patterns you wish to share, etc. "
On the site my goal is only listed as 1860-1880. I am actually focusing on a more specified time frame of 1868-1875. I believe I am going to focus on a particular basic shape of skirts and work outwards from there. My posts concerning the HSF #1/2 will be about my crinoline/ bustle combination. So that is my first layer.
I am planning to finish my corset for the HSF challenge #3, that has been a UFO (unfinished object) for a couple of years now. Challenge #3 is Pink, make a historical garment in pink using period research. The corset is setting unfinished. All the boning channels are in and it was a kit from Farthingales. I am pretty sure off the top of my head, it was the Simplicity #9769 you can see their kits at this link. http://farthingalescorsetmakingsupplies.com/products.php?cat=kit
The reason this project has been sitting around for years is for a pretty dumb reason, I never could decide on what the outer layer fabric would be. Logically I wanted it to be pretty in case I would wear it as an outer layer at some point. Well it needs to be finished and so it might as well be partially pink at the very least. I have seen some interesting corsets that combine different fabric treatments like flossing patterns. Also combining fabrics to make diagonal patterns. I am going to do some research after I finish my pattern for the crinoline/bustle.
HSF challenge #4 Under it all. Basically it is foundation garments. I am going to use this challenge to make my under garments. A chemise and drawers. That challenge is due March 1st and I hope to have it finished a week or two prior. That will set me up nicely to complete a dress maybe even two for Costume Con in Toronto, that is at the end of April. So there is my quarter of the year plans.
After this set of items is completed I am not sure what era I would like to focus on next for the Undergarments sew along. I eventually want to have garments for era's ranging from the 16th century up until the 1920's.
HSF challenge #5 due March 15th is Bodice (and what is a bodice?). This challenge is to make a bodice a pair of bodies, or you interpretation of said garment. This will be a bodice for my 1868-1875 wardrobe, maybe two. Time and funds will dictate that.
HSF challenge #6 is due April 1st and is the Fairy tale challenge. This one I may or may not skip. I am considering some options that would be fun to bring to Costume Con 32. I'll decide one this one latter.
HSF challenge #7 is due April 15th. is Tops and toes. Make an accessory that goes on your head or feet. This is the last challenge I expect to get done before CC32 and it will be a head piece to go with my new costume =).
HSF challenge #8 is UFO and PHD due May 1st. May or may not do this one. Again it all depends on what I am bringing to CC32.
So that sums up my current sewing plans, which feels fairly ambitious but I think it is do able. Once I have my under garments done then it will be much easier to work my way out wards. There is my current sewing plans and what to look forward to me blogging about.
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